Tuesday 2 June 2009

final work archived

2nd June 2009, ISD studio, University of Hertfordshire

Well done 3rd year ISD students - best of luck for the future. Good to see last year's students too... Lana, Sithul, James..

Performance East projections

Today the third year Interior and Spatial Design students showed their degree work - private view. Level 2 exhibited a projection of random experimental video - from Performance East.

Ade 'til death do us part'

Some footage still awaits editing and organising and.... This is a process in itself......... I have realised the beauty and sheer value (and volume) of recording the process. This whole experience has given me a lot to test, think about and evaluate for the future...

Amanda never ending NARRATIVE

Kerry Poster Firedance

LA entry exit

Elena, spatial choreography inspired by Martha Graham's costumes

Elmira poster water

And then some memories from tutorials, inspiration sourcing, ideas forming............here with Yi .

May 2009